Beginning October 24, Professor Harlow Shapley of the University Observatory will give a series of eight special lectures in the Lowell Institute on modern developments in Astronomy. Tickets for these lectures may be obtained free of charge by sending to the Curator, Lowell Institute, 491 Boylston street, Boston, a self-addressed, stamped envelope for each ticket desired.
The calendar of the lectures, which will be given Tuesday and Friday evenings, is as follows:
October 24, The Problems of Modern Astronomy.
October 27, Space, Time, and Starlight.
October 31, Stars and Atoms.
November 1, Stellar Variation and Evolution.
November 5, Measuring the Milky Way.
November 8, Nebulae and Island Universes.
November 12, The Origin of the Earth.
November 13, Life and the Physical Universe.
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