The Atlantic City Boardwalk is to be reproduced in Mechanics' Building. Boston, December first to ninth inclusive as accurately as human ingenuity can accomplish that feat.
The pictured ocean, piers, real sand, snappy shops, etc. all different with many colored awnings, wheel chairs, theatre with performances twice daily. "The Hut" in the basement with its cafeteria, and war mementos, fortune tellers, salt water taffy, and countless other attractions will give the people of New England many of the experiences of a trip to Atlantic City, with none of the inconveniences of traveling.
While nothing approaching this unique spectacle has ever been attempted in Boston, the cities of Chicago, St. Louis, Cleveland and Nashville have produced the Boardwalk with success.
This stupendous enterprise has the support of Massachusetts' most prominent women.
The Beneficiaries are: New England Hospital for Women and Children--Massachusetts League of Women Vergers--Disabled Ex-Service Men--Frances E. Willard Settlement.
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