

Overcomes Tabor Academy 4 to 0 in First Victory of Season--Crimson Shooting Poor--Captain Gray Out of Yearling Line-Up

The Freshman soccer team gained its first victory of the season last Saturday when it defeated Tabor Academy 4-0. With a much changed line-up the team showed renewed vigor and scoring power. Captain S. E. Gray of the yearlings was unable to play because of injuries to his leg, but his absence was partially made up for by the excellent work of Phaneuf, Tarnowsky, and Brooks, who formed an impenetrable defense to the Tabor forwards.

Tabor played a weak game and would have been scored upon more had it not been for poor shooting ability shown at critical moments by the Crimson. Wright, the individual star for the Freshmen, scored two goals form the field in quick succession in the first half. A penalty kick was the occasion for a third score by Hord. This was followed shortly by another penalty kick by Norton.

The summary follows: HARVARD FRESHMEN  TABOR Elliott, g.  g., Templeton Brooks, r.f.b.  l.f.b., Milner Tarnowsky, l.f.b.  r.f.b., Hoadly, Gould Welton, Boston, r.h.b.  l.h.b., Makepeace (capt.) Cook, c.h.b.  c.h.b. Bartlett Phaneuf, l.h.b.  r.h.b., Readington Norton, o.r.f.  o.l.f., Luce Hord, Crothers, i.r.f.  i.l.f., Price Dyer, c.f.  c.f., Dawes, Cogswell Wright, i.l.f.  i.r.f., Hay Nash, o.l.f.  o.r.f., Cogswell, Hark

Time of halves, 30 minutes. Referee and timekeeper, Coach W. R. Welch, Boston Referees Association. Goals, Wright 2, Hord, Norton.
