Mr. Charles M. Schwab, prominent steel producer and a leading figure in the industrial world, will give the first of the series of Union lectures Monday evening, October 16, at the Union.
On account of the fact that the lecture will touch on business problems and matters of vital interest to students in the Business School, members of the Business School Club will be admitted on showing their button. Other students of the Business School--not members of the Business School Club, or of the Union--can receive special admittance cards at the Business School office. University Hall. Outside the Business School, only members of the Union will be admitted. As in the past guest cards will be issued to members who desire to bring friends who are not eligible for membership in the Union. As last year, ladies will not be admitted to lectures.
Mr. Schwab, on graduating from St. Francis College, entered the steel business as a stake driver on the Edgar Thompson Steel Works' surveying corps. During the next twenty years he rose rapidly to the positions of superintendent, and then Preident of the Carnegie Steel Company. After two years as President of the U. S. Steel Corporation, he became chairman of the Board of Directors of the Bethlehem Steel Corporation, which office he held for eighteen years. He was also director of many other large companies, and from April to December, 1918, was Director-General of shipbuilding, U. S. Shipping Board, Emergency Fleet Corporation.
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