

Member of 1924 Freshman Crew Returns to Squad--Yearling Workout Under Dr. Howe and Coach Haines

Departing from a precedent of many years' standing of holding only Freshman interdormitory races in the fall, the crew management announced last night that substantial additions would be made to the list of events this year bringing it up to the class of a regatta.

On October 26, the date set for the regatta, it is planned to have a series of races for both Freshmen and upper-classmen under the direction of Mr. Edward Wachter, coach of the 1922 basketball team and director of sculling last spring. There will be four events open to 1926, including wherry, compromise, singles, and doubles contests, and the brackets will be so arranged that two men from each dormitory will compete in the finals. The upper-class program, if enough entries are secured, will comprise two open races, one for singles and one for doubles.

In order to give all men who intend to compete an equal opportunity to master the principles of single shell racing, Coach Wachter will be on the water daily, except Saturday, from 3 to 5 o'clock, and any member of the University is at liberty to consult him with regard to rowing between these hours. As far as possible Coach Wachter will divide his time between the upper-class and Freshman oarsmen.

The elementary language requirement examinations kept a large part of the upper-class squad, including University B and the Junior and Sophomore class crews from practice yesterday, but Coach Muller's first University eight went out for a short paddle later in the afternoon. The personnel of this crew has been changed somewhat during the past few days, and yesterday Parker Hamilton '24, who has been out due to illness, was placed at number 6. The seating of crew A is as follows:

Bow, B. F. Rice-Bassett '25; 2, H. S. Morgan '23; 3, B. McK. Henry '24; 4, A. H. Ladd Jr. '23; 5, R. C. Storey '24; 6, Parker Hamilton '24; 7, S. B. Kelley '25; Stroke, Walter Amory '24; cox., S. C. Badger '23.


The Freshman squad reported for practice at its full numerical strength yesterday. Dr. Howe had six eights and a four-oar out on the Charles and coached them personally from a single. Over 70 men started work on the machines under the direction of Coach Bert Haines, and these candidates, as soon as they give evidence of sufficient progress, will be sent onto the water in barges. Any more members of the class of 1926 who wish to go out for rowing may report to the managers at Weld any time this afternoon.
