At the end of the second day's balloting in the elections of officers for the Sophomore Class only about 300 votes have been cast. Figuring on the basis of a sixty percent ballot about 200 more are needed to make the election valid.
The election committee feels that this is a very poor showing from such a large class. Every opportunity has been given to Sophomores to cast their ballots. Ample notice of the elections has been given, and the polls have been open for the last two days, so that every man might easily have voted before now.
The polls will open again today, and it is expected that everyone who has not already voted will show sufficient interest to do so. In addition to the regular voting places there will be polls at the New Lecture Hall from 8.45 until 1 o'clock. The polls at Sever Hall will be open for the same length of time. Those at the Class of '77 Memorial Gate will be open until 6 o'clock.
The list of men from the Junior class who will serve as poll watchers follows:
To Serve at Sever Hall
8.45-10--E. K. Merrill.
10-11--Grosvenor Bemis.
11-12--J. C. Buchanan.
12-1--H. N. Pratt.
To Serve at '77 Gate
8.45-10--C. H. Hollister Jr.
10-11--B. M. Rice.
11-12--W. A. Coolidge.
12-1--Darragh Louderback.
1.15-2--J. T. Baldwin.
2-3--R. L. Frothingham.
3-4--F. H. Nichols.
4-5--L. C. Keyes.
5-6--Harrison Dibblee Jr.
To Serve at New Lecture Hall
8.45-10--J. V. P. Harris.
10-11--E. E. Schefer.
11-12--N. K. Fairbank.
12-1--J. M. Begg.
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