

Play Starts at Soldiers Field at 4--Coach Welch Has Abundant Material on Hand--Engineers Possess Strong Defense and Speedy Forward Line

The University Soccer team will meet M. I. T. this afternoon on Soldiers Field at 4 o'Clock. With the steady practice of the past week the team is in excellent condition for the contest, and as no men are out with injuries Coach Welch has had the whole squad to pick from. The line-up will be practically the same as that which faced Springfield last week. Pringle is back with his foot well healed and make take Dorman's place at inside right. Hartley at left fullback will probably start the game, but may be superseded by Walker. For the rest the line-up remains the same.

M. I. T. is reported to have a strong team, especially active on the defense, although the forward line is quite fast. The Engineers won easily from Clark University last Saturday by a score of 6-0. Captain Macorra and Ruyz in the forward line have been recent stars, and Atahualtha at left fullback has shown the most promise on the defense.

The line-up which will probably start today's game is: HARVARD  M. I. T. Pallo, g.  g., Deuvel Hartley, Walker, r.f.  l.f., Atahualtha Greenidge, l.f.  r.f., Oon Begg, r.h.b.  l.h.b., Sun Wale, c.h.b.  c.h.b., Peterson Sullivan, Pattison, l.h.b.  r.h.b., Kurdman Byington, o.r.  o.l., Rego Dorman, Pringle, i.r.  i.l., Macorra (Capt.) Heizer (Capt.), c.f.  c.f., Ruyz Lamont, Mersereau, i.l.  i.r., Sousa Tuttle, o.l.  o.r., Jass
