

Awarded for Best Composition in Concerted Choral Music--Established by Francis Boot '31--Committee of Three in Charge

Competition for the annual Francis Boot Prize of $100 for musical composition will close this year on March 15, 1923.

Francis Boot '31 of Cambridge bequeathed to the University a fund, the annual income of which was to be awarded to the member of the University writing the best composition in concerted choral music. The composition must be for four or more voices, and may be either with or without accompaniment, the text being either secular or sacred, as the composer prefers. Mr. Boot's bequest recommends that, if the music be of a sacred character, the type shown in Cherubini and Mozart be followed.

The prize will be awarded only in case a composition is submitted which the judges consider worthy of reward. The title page of each manuscript should be signed with a motto or pseudonym. The true name, classification, and address of the competitor should be sealed in an envelope bearing on its face the pen name or device.

Manuscripts should be sent to the Chairman of the committee at 102 Naples road, Brookline, and must be in his hands by March 15 at the latest.

The committee is composed of the following: Arthur Foote '74, chairman; George A. Burdett '81, Frederick S. Converse '93.
