

Insufficient Number of Votes Cast Yesterday--Only 200 Out of 670 Men Vote--402 Ballots Will Make Election Valid

In the elections for officers of the Junior Class which were held yesterday, an insufficient number of votes was cast, and, therefore, no returns can be announced as yet. A disappointingly small number of men voted according to an announcement made last night. Only about 200 men out of the 670 enrolled in the class cast their ballots.

402 Votes Make Election Valid

In order to make the election valid more than twice that number, 402, must vote. The committee feels that it has done everything possible to give men ample notice of the election, and that the polls were open long enough to give everyone a chance to vote.

Another opportunity for voting will be given tomorrow at the same places; Sever Hall and the Class of '77 Gate. This extra balloting will be held in conjunction with the Sophomore elections. Every man who has not yet voted will be expected to do so at that time. Every man who has not voted will receive a postcard, giving the list of candidates and urging the necessity of immediate balloting.
