Officials.--Referee, E. F. Quigley, Stout Institute. Umpire, W. R. Crowley, Bowdoin. Head linesman, H. T. Tiggert, University of Kentucky. Field judge, Elmer Oliphant, West Point.
The University eleven will meet the famous Centre College team this afternoon at 2.30 o'clock on its third invasion of the Stadium. The Kentucky Colonels were turned back in 1920 with a 31 to 14 defeat, but last year the visitors' lone touchdown was sufficient for a victory, the first any eleven had gained over the Crimson since 1916.
Coach Fisher has made two changes in the line-up from the eleven which showed such a powerful attack in scoring two touchdowns against Holy Cross in the first eight minutes of the third period. Chapin will start at fullback in place of Coburn, who will, however, undoubtedly get into action before the second half is well advanced. Clark will also replace Kernan at center. The former veteran was injured in the Middlebury game and will scrimmage today for the first time in three weeks.
Roberts to Bolster up Offence
Coach Moran has made several shifts in the Centre line-up on the eve of the Stadium struggle. Captain Roberts, who thrilled the spectators of the 1921 contest by his tremendous playing at right end, the excellency of which won him a berth on Walter Camp's All-American eleven, has been shifted to fullback to bolster up the Colonels' offensive. Now weighing over 235 pounds with remarkable speed and three years' experience, his presence in the backfield should be of material assistance, not only as a line-plunger of known worth, but also as an outstanding interference man. Bartlett, veteran fullback, who has been one of the most successful ground gainers in the preliminary games, has little chance of getting in to the play owing to a recently contracted illness. Lemon will fill Roberts old position at end. He weighs 165 pounds and has played two years on the Centre team.
Covington, the speedy broken field runner, will pilot the Southerners and may approximate the brand of play shown by his predecessor McMillin. Hudgins is another of the backfield starters from whom much is expected in the way of sensational end runs.
Nine Players Have Faced Crimson
Included in the Centre line-up are seven men who started last year's game with the University and two of the remaining four got into action late in the fourth quarter. Roberts, Snowday, and Cregor are the only three players who started against the Crimson in both 1920 and 1921.
Injuries have been numerous in the Kentucky squad this season and good substitutes are correspondingly scarce. Several of the most promising men will not be available and several others are not in physical condition to last the entire four periods. A second handicap is the fact that the Kentuckians had to make a long train journey to Virginia for their game last week and were also delayed one day on their trip to Boston
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