

Will Hold Open Meeting for Candidates--To be Coached by J. W. D. Seymour--First Performance in December

At a meeting of the Dramatic Club held last night in the Union, J. M. Brown '23, President of the Club, announced that the first production of the year is to be Leonid Andreyev's "The Life of Man".

Beyond the fact that this is its first public presentation in America, the play is of special interest because of the brilliant success of Andreyev's "He Who Gets Slapped" as produced last season by the New York Theatre Guild. The new play bears the same stamp of merciless, sardonic humor in a thoroughly Russian vein, such as distinguished the other play. It is a drama of five scenes and a prologue.

Performance December 12

The first performance is to come Tuesday December 12 at Brattle Hall. As usual the feminine roles will be taken by members of the Radcliffe Idler Club.

On Wednesday, October 25, there will be an open meeting for candidates. Professor G. P. Baker '87, Professor Arthur Pope '01, of the Fine Arts Department, and Professor J. T. Murray '99 will speak. Competitions for properties, stage, and business managers will be outlined. There will be one competition for scenery and costuming under the direction of D. M. Oenslager '23 and one for electrical work. On the following day, October 26, the play will be read at the Music Building.


"The Life of Man" is to be coached by J. W. D. Seymour '17, who coached last year's productions, "The Blind", "The Dragon", and "Beranger".
