After Wednesday, October 4, the Union will be closed to all but members. After this date no cash purchases will be allowed, but all charges will appear on members' term bills. Any member of the University may join the Union, and man may become members at any time during the college year. The dues for one year are $10.00 for all except members of the Faculty and students who were members of the Union during the college year 1920-21; these may join for $7.50.
Blue-books for entries in the Union singles and doubles tennis tournament will be posted on the bulletin board Tuesday morning, October 3. There is no entrance fee, but the tournament is open only to members of the Union.
The prizes for the tournament are now on exhibition at the news stand. The play will probably begin about Wednesday, October 11, so that this tournament will in no way conflict with the one which the tennis team management is running this week.
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