

Schedule Just Announced Includes Appearances at Symphony Hall With Mme, Homer, Mile, Novaes, and Mile. Hempel--First Concert November 10

The University Glee Club has just announced its schedule of concerts for the coming year including a series of three in Symphony Hall at which the Club will be assisted by several noted artists.

The Glee Club will open the season of 1922-23 by a joint concert with the University Instrumental Clubs and the Princeton Glee and Instrumental Clubs in Sanders Theatre on the evening of Friday, November 10. Its next appearance will be at New Haven on November 24, when it will give a similar joint concert with the University Instrumental Clubs, the Yale Instrumental Clubs, and the Yale Glee Club.

The three concerts at Symphony Hall will be at the following times:

December 14, assisted by Mme, Louise Homer.

February 15, assisted by Mile, Guiamar Novaes.


April 15, assited by Miss Frieda Hempel.

Concerts outside of Boston are as follows:

At Springfield, December 2.

At Holyoke, January 13.

At Smith College, May 5.

The Glee Club will also sing at the Intercollegiate Glee Club contest in Carnegie Hall, New York City, on March 3. It has already won one cup at these contests, and last year won the first leg on another cup, which has been offered by the University Glee Club of New York City.

Although the dates have, not yet been definitely announced, the Glee Club will make its usual Spring trip through the East and Middle West during the Spring vacation.
