

Few of Last Year's Team Back or Available for Autumn Practice--Chance of Experience for New Men Will be Stressed in Work

Fall baseball practice will begin at 2 o'clock this afternoon, when Coach J. J. Slattery will meet all candidates for the squad at the Locker Building. Due to the graduation of a large number of experienced players last spring, Coach Slattery will have to depend largely upon the development of new men to make up the 1923 squad.

All candidates for fall practice will be given experience and a try-out in practice games. With this end in view, it is probable that no outside games will be scheduled and that the work will be limited to intra-college games. In this way Coach Slattery will be able to see more men under action and to give more time to individual coaching.

Few veterans who will be with the squad in the spring are expected to report now because of other athletics although there will be a sufficient number of experienced men to form a nucleus for the fall squad.
