

Only One Man of Whole Squad Will be Unable to Play Saturday--Churchill, Crosby, and Rouillard Score

With the Centre College eleven, which comes to the Stadium Saturday, considered by most critics as strong if not stronger than the 1921 Kentucky outfit, Coach Fisher is pushing the Crimson squad into mid-season shape as quickly as possible and yesterday ordered one of the longest scrimmages of the season to allow the University eleven a chance to become familiar with the Centre formations and plays, which were used by Coach Knox's men.

Team A. piloted by Captain Buell, started with all the regulars except Owen, Gehrke, and Clark in the line-up. This trio will probably not be used in scrimmage before Saturday's game, owing to their recent injuries.

The Crimson team found little trouble in crashing through the black-jerseyed eleven and netted three touchdowns during the hour of scrimmaging. Team A started the attack, carrying the ball on line rushes from the 45 to the 20 yard line, where Jenkins replaced Fitts. On the following play a pass from Buell to Jenkins went wide and was intercepted by Fullbright of the second team. He kicked to Buell on the 50 yard line on the next play. Doherty replaced Coburn at this point and Churchill reeled off a 20 yard end run. The next play was smothered by Wilson and Dempsey, Coach Knox's ends, before it reached the line of scrimmage. Here Gordon replaced Jenkins and on the following play from the 20 yard line, Churchill circled the end for the opening touchdown, Buell kicked the goal.

Crosby Scores on Long Pass

Following the score, Pfaffman went in for Buell, Harlow for Chapin, and Crosby for Hartley. The second team was given the ball on the 20 yard line and commenced its attack with a 13 yard gain by Fullbright through the left side of the line. Then the seconds kicked to Pfaffman and Coach Fisher sent in the B line. Pfaffman opened up with a 20 yard run and on the next play hurled a long pass to Crosby, who caught it as he crossed the goal line for the second score. Pfaffman's attempt at goal failed and Spalding replaced him.


The seconds kicked from the 35 yard line to Spalding, who on the next play twisted through for 15 yards. Akers then went in at quarterback, and after several steady gains, Rouillard broke loose for the remaining 20 yards and the third touchdown, which ended the practice, no try for goal being attempted.

Barring injuries in tomorrow's scrimmage, the entire University squad will be available for Saturday with the exception of Codman, who will be out for two weeks with a wrenched knee.
