

H. A. A. Willing to Furnish Coach and to Meet Expenses--Interest Must be Shown to Gain Approval of Students and Minor Sports Councils

A new University swimming team has been projected, and if enough interest is shown, it seems probable that Crimson swimmers may again have an oportunity to demonstrate their skill. Mr. William J. Bingham '16 has declared himself in favor of the revival of swimming as a minor sport, and has signified the willingness of the Athletic Association to furnish a coach and the expenses of meets and pools.

Until a few years ago, the University had a swimming team, which at its height, was very successful. Lack of adequate pool facilities and consequent lagging of interest caused the deterioration of the team and its eventual abolition two years ago. Now there seems to be a general revival of interest in swimming, and several excellent swimmers are in the University at the present time.

To Use Huntington Y. M. C. A. Pool

Blue books will be posted today in Leavitt and Peirce's and at the Big Tree Pool. All swimmers who are interested in the proposed team are urged to sign the books at once, as the success of the project depends entirely upon the interest shown. The signatures will be shown to the Student Council and the Minor Sport Council, whose approval must be obtained.

The Huntington Y. M. C. A. has given permission to use its pool, which is one of the finest in New England for training. Three periods a week will be reserved for University men, probably as follows: Monday, 6.45 to 8; Wednesday, 6.45 to 8; and Friday, 5 to 6.30.
