

Herndon, Turner, Kunkel and Bradley Likely to be Semi-Finalists--Alden Briggs '25 Surprises by Taking One Set From Herndon

The University Tennis Tournament produced a surprise yesterday afternoon, when Alden Briggs '25 succeeded in taking a set from E. H. Herndon 2G.B. in the sixth round of play. Briggs was number 2 on last year's Freshman team, and Herndon was finalist in the University tournament of last year. After Herndon had walked away with the first set 6-1, Briggs increased the accuracy of his placements and won the second set 6-4. In the last set Herndon's greater experience began to tell, and he won with comparative ease 6-4.

In the last match of the fifth round, F. S. Turner 1L. defeated Palmer Dixon '25 6-0, 6-1. Although Turner has to play one more match before he reaches the semi-finals, he is counted on to win and to give Herndon a good fight in the semi-finals. Turner has revealed a style of play that includes a fast service, skill in placing, and an ability to get his racquet on any ball for a good return.

In the lower half of the draw R. J. Kunkel 1L. defeated Louis Bondi '25 6-0, 6-4. As he was not obliged to exert himself in this match, it is impossible to say how powerful a factor he will be in the semi-finals.

R. N. Bradley 1G.B. defeated Donald Stralem '24 6-4, 6-2. Since Stralem has been playing very well this fall and lived up to his standard yesterday, Bradley seems likely to be the finalist in this half of the draw, meeting Herndon from the upper division.

The semi-finals will be played Monday at the Divinity courts, with the best three-out of five sets winning; the time will be announced later. The finals, also at the Divinity courts, will probably be played Tuesday or Wednesday.


The play of the doubles tournament has been so much delayed by the rain that the management has been forced to default several tardy pairs in order to speed up the play. The doubles tournament is now in the third round and has so far produced no outstanding combinations.
