The nominations for the officers of the Class of 1925 for the coming year were made last night, and are as follows:
For President: B. F. Rice-Bassett, P. H. Theopold.
For Vice-President: A. B. Harlow, H. T. Dunker.
For Secretary-Treasurer: Gardener Cowles Jr., P. H. Robb.
For Student Council: M. W. Greenough, G. W. Burgess, G. D. Braden.
As provided in the constitution of the Sophomore Class, these nominations were made by a nomination and election committee made up of the officers of the class for the past year. These officers remain in office until the new ones are elected.
Further nominations to any office may be made by petition signed by thirty-five members of the Class of 1925. These nominations must be handed in to J. H. Child '25, Secretary-Treasurer of the class before October 20 at Claverly 17.
The Sophomore Class sends only one man out of the three nominated to the Student Council. Should no additional petitions be received for nomination to any class office, the nominating committee will make one additional nomination for that office.
The election will be held on Wednesday, October 25.
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