A record squad is expected to report for track practice this afternoon when 37 veterans of last year's team sign up for the first time at Soldiers Field. The attendance last Saturday was 146, and this number, augmented by the return of the old candidates, will bring the total well over 180, showing a remarkable increase over last year's squad of 115.
The University squad is to be divided this afternoon, the men being allotted to different divisions and having a regular time for practice each afternoon. In order that the untried candidates may benefit from those of more experience, Coach Bingham has decided to make the squads small, about six men to each division, comprising both new men and veterans. These squads will compete from time to time among themselves, and the inexperienced candidates will have an added opportunity to learn the fundamentals of running ability from their veteran teammates.
J. R. Tolbert Jr. 1L. has agreed to take charge of the 1925 squad, his appointment being subject to the approval of the Athletic Committee. Intensive training for the yearlings, as well as for the University candidates will start today in preparation for the B. A. A. meet on February 4.
Although several new men have reported, there is still a dearth of candidates for the discuss and javelin throws. These two events have been accepted by all the leading colleges and are scheduled for the next intercollegiate meet. Candidates are practicing on a specially constructed platform near the new board track, and are under the personal direction of Mr. Jakko Mikkola, former coach of the Finnish Olympic team. Men who are out for the field events are practicing daily in the cage, E. L. Farrel, who returned Saturday to the coaching staff, being in charge of the men in this department.
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