

Those Who Do Not Receive Blanks Must Notify Committee Before February 13--Box Applications Must Be Handed in by February 15

Nearly 700 notices of the Junior Dance, which will be held on March 3, together with ticket application blanks have been mailed to members of 1923, and to the officers of the Senior and Sophomore classes. The Committee requests that any men who do not receive applications in the next few days and who feel that they are eligible to attend the dance should call at Claverly 30 between 1.30 and 2 o'clock on any afternoon except Saturdays and Sundays, before February 13.

The price of tickets to the dance will be $4.00 per person, or $8.00 a couple. All men who wish to attend should fill out the application blanks, and send them, as directed, with the correct amount, before February 13, checks being made payable to the 1923 Dance Committee.

According with the usual custom, boxes for the dance will be determined by lot. Groups of from six to 12 couples should elect their respective chairmen, and apply in writing to the Box Chairman, Claverly 30, before February 15. Such applications must be typewritten, and contain the names of the members and their guests, arranged in alphabetical order, with the chairman's name at the head. The list should be in two columns, with names of members of the class on the right, and those of their guests on the left.
