

Series of Lectures on Medical Subjects to be Given Sundays

A series of free public lectures on medical subjects has been offered by the Faculty of Medicine of the University. They will be held on Sunday afternoons until May 7, 1922, at 4 o'clock at the Medical School, Longwood avenue, Boston, and the doors will close promptly at five minutes past the hour. A list of the remaining lectures follows:

January 29.--Spinal Curves in Growing Children. Home Treatment. (With lantern demonstration.) Dr. E. H. Bradford '69.

February 5.--Causes of Heart Failure. Dr. W. H. Robey '95.

February 12.--New Growths and Cancer. (With lantern demonstration.) Dr. S. B. Wolbach '03.

February 19.--The Surgical Emergencies of Childhood. Dr. J. S. Stone '89.


February 26.--What Becomes of the Food We Eat. Dr. T. M. Carpenter '15.

March 5.--Water. Dr. L. J. Henderson '98.

March 12.--Artificial Teeth. Mouth Conditions Governing the Use of Plates, Crowns, and Bridges. Dr. F. A. Beckford '06.

March 19.--Phases of Water-metabolism in Infants. Dr. O. M. Schloss.

March 26.--Some Common Diseases and Accidents Affecting the Nose and Throat. Dr. D. C. Greene '95.

April 2.--The Care of the Skin and Some of its Common Diseases. Dr. E. L. Oliver '04.

April 9.--Diseases of the Bladder and Prostate. (To men only.) Dr. W. C. Quinby '99.

April 16.--Easter Sunday. No lecture.

April 23.--Deformities of the Nose. Diseases of the Esophagus. Dr. H. P. Mosher '92.

April 30.--The Toxin-antitoxin Protection against Diphtheria. Dr. Philip Castleman '06.

May 7.--Effects of Nutrition upon Tooth Development. (With lantern demonstration.) Dr. P. G. Howe.
