

Regulations Proposed by Track Advisory Committee for Insignia Awards Approved--Recommends That Boxing be Adopted as Minor Sport

At a meeting of the Student Council yesterday afternoon several rules proposed by the Track Advisory Committee, concerning insignia awards were passed ice reference to the Athletic Committee. It was decided that an "H. A. A." should be awarded to all those competing in the Harvard-Dartmouth-Cornell Indoor Triangular Meet, in the Indoor Intercollegiate Meet, or in the short distance relays of the B. A. A. games. The proposal also stated that an "H" should be awarded to members of record breaking relay teams and to runners who distinguish themselves on a winning long distance relay team against Yale, the latter awards being subject to the approval of the Track Advisory Committee.

In addition the Council approved the appointment of John Buckley Bryan 3E.S. of Sheepshead Bay, N. Y., as first assistant manager of the wrestling team; of James Todd Baldwin '24 of Chestnut Hill, as second assistant manager; and of Colton Dunbar Hazard '25 of Jamaica Plain, as manager of the Freshman team. The question of the award of insignia to Freshman cross-country managers was referred to a discussion of the Minor Sports Council.

The Student Council gave its approval to the recommendation that boxing be adopted as an intercollegiate minor sport, but that this year there be but one meet and that preferably with Yale.
