The fourth of a series of organ recitals, during the season of 1921-1922, will be given this afternoon at 5 o'clock in Appleton Chapel. The following program will be presented by Mr. C. F. Pfatteicher, Organist and Chorister of Phillips Academy, Andover.
The Church Year in Choral Preludes, by Bach
Introduction:--"O Jesus Christ, be present now."
Advent:--"Wake, awake, for night is flying."
Christmas:--"Good news from Heaven the Angels bring."
New Year's Eve:--"The old year has depared."
New Year's:--"In Thee is Gladness."
Lent:--"O Sacred Heart now wounded."
Easter:--"Christ Jesus lay in death's strong hands."
Whitsunday:--"Come, Holy Ghost, our souls inspire."
Trinity:--"All glory be to God on High."
Conclusion:--"Abide with us. Lord Jesus Christ."
The recitals are being given at intervals of a month throughout the season in Appleton Chapel and in the chapel of the Andover Theological Seminary on Francis avenue. These recitals will be given at 5 o'clock in the afternoon and will be open to the public. The remaining dates are as follows:--February 14 and March 28 at Appleton Chapel; April 11 at Andover Chapel; and May 23, at Appleton Chapel.
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