

Ninety Men Take Advantage of Privilege Extended by Physical Training Department to Exercise Outdoors

The increasing numbers of Freshmen who are daily taking advantage of the ice on the river attests the popularity of the recent ruling by the Physical Training Department in regard to skating as a new exercise for first-year men. On the last regular physical training day 90 men signed up for skating, the largest number yet recorded.

This new feature of the Physical Education program is the outgrowth of an effort on the part of the Department to extend to new men as many electives as possible in the realm of sport. On days when the ice is in condition men may substitute skating for their usual exercise, this system tending not only to afford unusual freedom in choice of time but also to relieve the monotony of the regular physical training periods. Attention of Freshmen taking advantage of this system is called to the fact that although the blue-book is up only between the hours of 3 and 5 o'clock, the actual skating time extends over a period of four hours. It is permitted to sign up at either the beginning or the end of their hour, so by coming at 2 o'clock a man may skate for an hour and sign at 3 o'clock when the blue-book is posted, and can also come out by 5 o'clock and sign previous to his exercise, then taking his period between the hours of 5 and 6.

Kimball Gray of Forest Hills, L.I. has been elected captain of the Freshman rifle team. Gray has turned in two perfect scores.
