

To Learn Needs of School and Advise as to Instruction--Series of Four Lectures to be Given

A special visiting committee from the Board of Overseers made its first visit of the year to the Graduate School of Landscape Architecture recently in order to get in touch with the work of the School. Landscape Architecture was given further recognition as an independent profession about a year ago when the committee was first organized. The recent visit was made in an effort to learn the needs of the School and to advise as to its instruction in Landscape Architecture and City Planning. Among others the committee includes Mr. M. P. Lewis, formerly Chief Engineer of the Board of Estimate and Apportionment, New York City, and President of the American City Planning Institute; Mr. C. G. Fall '68, a retired lawyer of Boston; and Mr. Thomas Adams, city planner, and writer and lecturer on city planning. Mr. Adams is to give four lectures on rural and regional planning at the School on February 16, 23, and on March 2 and 9.

A recognition of the Landscape Architectural School as the center of research for city planning was shown by the appointment of Miss Theodora Kimball as an expert to assist Secretary Hoover's committee on zoning. Miss Kimball's service, which has been arranged in a way not to interfere with her duties as Librarian to the School, consists in collecting and arranging information on zoning.
