The Physical Training Department yesterday gave out a complete review of the winter interdormitory sport program that is now well under way. Basketball, hockey, track, squash, and indoor baseball are all on a competitive basis and will count points towards the plate to be placed on the tablets in the Common Rooms of the Freshman Halls at the end of the season. Wrestling will probably be organized as an interdormitory sport for the first time this year, as a larger number of Freshmen than usual have elected that form of exercise.
The hockey season has already started with a 3-0 victory for Smith Hall over Standish and a Standish victory over Gore by the score of 2-1. Keen competition is being shown in this sport as demonstrated by the last game in which two extra periods were necessary to play off a 1-1 tie. All Freshmen who have elected hockey as their compulsory exercise and have not got a position on the regular Freshman squad are divided into groups, each man being assigned to his own dormitory. Practice is planned for three days a week and on two of these days games will be held until the series of seven or nine contests is decided. Indoor baseball, too, is well started and keen competition is being shown for the first place as Standish and Gore are tied for the honors with six games won and two lost. Smith, which shows up well in most sports because of its large membership, has taken a decided drop in this branch, having lost all of the eight games played.
Basketball has been very popular and a squad of 50 men are now reporting at the Freshman athletic building for practice. The large number of candidates has enabled the Physical Training Department to plan for two teams from each dormitory and a third may be added if a practice schedule can be worked out which will not interfere with the other squads, Practice has been held for several weeks and the teams will be ready for the first game of the series on Friday, when Gore will face Smith. A regular schedule will be formed and captains will be elected, and the sport will then be put on an organized basis. Another well represented sport is squash, as more than 100 men are reporting. This large number has resulted in a change in organization from last year and five men will be chosen to represent each hall as against the two players picked last winter. Several of the positions on the teams are now assured, but as the selection is entirely competitive under the challenge system it will be more than a week before official contests will be staged. In the meanwhile a Freshman tournament is under way to give the players actual experience. Each player on the five-man team will play a man on both the other teams and the dormitory with the highest average will receive the points for the sport.
Winter track offers a special inducement as a generous assortment of outside meets has been scheduled for the regular Freshman runners and all candidates will have a chance to prove their ability. There will be no cut throughout the season but all men will report regularly to get in condition for the interdormitory meet to be held on March 1. This will be open to all members of the Freshman class so the meet will bring into competition not the second string men as in the other dormitory sports, but the very best athletes that the class can offer. All the regular events, including discus and javelin, will be staged and thus there will be an opportunity for all track men to start training for the meet. The Physical Training Department, however, will not permit men who intend to compete on March 1 to enter other sports in the meantime as extensive training is absolutely essential.
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