

To Succeed Mr. C. F. Mason '82, Who Has Retired -- Colonel Bushnell Appointed Professor of Military Science and Tactics in Medical School

Mr. Arthur L. Endicott '94 has been appointed Bursar of the University to succeed Mr. Charles F. Mason '82, who retired from active duty on December 1. Mr. Endicott will begin work next Monday as Acting Bursar, and his formal appointment as Bursar will date from June 13 next, when Mr. Mason's resignation takes effect.

Mr. John L. Taylor, who has been connected with the financial administration of the University for 36 years and has held since 1910 the title of Assistant Comptroller, has been promoted to the new position of Auditor.

The Governing Boards of the University have voted that inasmuch as it has been the custom to appoint as as Emeritus any professor of the University who after long and faithfuly service retires on account of ago, hereafter every professor appointed without limit of time and so retiring shall be enrolled as Professor Emeritus from the date of his resignation, without special vote of the Governing Boards in each case.

Colonel George E. Bushnell, who is to be in charge of the new military unit in the Medical School, has been appointed Professor of Military Science and Tactics in the Medical School. Colonel Bushnell, who graduated from Yale in 1876, was for many years commander of the Army General Hospital at Fort Bayard, New Mexico, a tuberculosis sanatorium, and retired from service in the army in 1917.
