

Two Third Round Matches Already Played--Team A Given Final Work-Out Before Game with Union Boat Club

The first round of the College squash racquets tournament was completed last night, and the third round, which is to end on Monday, has already begun. Two third round matches were played, Carroll Harrington '24, of University team B, defeating Alexander Mackay-Smith '24, and F. I. Carpenter Jr. '24 defeating E. St. R. Reynal '24, in straight games.

In the second round, the most interesting match was between Belden Wigglesworth '23 and Ridley Watts Jr. '23, former Freshman champion, which Wigglesworth won with great difficulty, the score being 15-8, 15-5, 8-15, 18-19, 15-8. C. C. Colt '24 and C. J. Mason Jr. '22, both members of team B, easily won their matches.

The matches played yesterday resulted as follows: Harrison Dibblee Jr. '24 defeated R. M. Sanderson '22, 3-1; C. C. Colt '24 defeated F. K. Kernan Jr. '24, 3-0; Henderson Mathews '23, defeated Lawrence Terry '23, by default; C. J. Mason Jr. '22 defeated Leonard Wheeler '22, 3-0; A. L. Smith 3d '25 defeated E. K. Merrill '24, 3-0; Belden Wigglesworth '23 defeated Ridley Watts Jr. '23, 3-2; T. S. Hanington '23 defeated Standish Bradford '24, 3-1.

Coach Cowles gave the University team A a final work-out yesterday afternoon on the Union Boat Club courts to prepare them for their game tomorrow with the Union Boat Club. The men are all in good condition, and Captain Malcolm Bradlee '22 especially showed up well in yesterday's practice.
