

Sixty-Three Freshmen Take Advantage of Recent Regulation of Physical Training department

The success of the Physical Training Department's ruling in regard to skating as a new Freshman exercise is shown by the fact that 63 first year men took advantage of it on Monday, the last regular pbyeical training day on which the ice was good. In addition 59 men have signed uo for 1925 hockey making a total of 122 men engaged in skating.

Due to confusion about the exaot, time of skating, the Department announces that men may skate at any time in the afternoon, provided they report to the attendant, who will be at the river with a blue-book between 3 and 5 o'clock Men ma skate on any afternoon that the ice is good, on which days a sign will be put up in the office in Wadsworth House. This skating will take the place of prescribed physical exercise.

Announcement has also been made by the Department that the old bowling alley area at Hemenway Gymnasium has been converted into four handball couris, and a backstop will be erected between them and the punch-bag platform. These new courts will be closed for the rest of the week to permit their painting, so that they may have better ilumination.
