

Stiff Workouts Commence in Preparation for B. A. A. Games--Training Tables Start Soon--Runners to Enter Intercollegiates

Intensive training for the winter track squad got under way yesterday afternoon. Coach Bingham gave the men stiff trial runs for the first time this season, the distance men working out around the circular track while the sprinters practiced starts on the new straightaway.

There was an increased number of candidates yesterday, the number of men signing up totalling 153 for the day. Coach J. R. Tolbert IL. took charge of the Freshman field event men for the first time yesterday, and the latter were organized into groups to hold regular sessions from now on in the cage.

With the season already a week old, the B. A. A. meet on February 4 is the immediate objective in preparation for which the coaches are giving their men hard early runs.

Regular training tables will be established in the course of the week, University candidates eating at the Varsity Club while the Freshmen will be organized later in Smith Halls.
