

Particularly Snotty

The CRIMSON has on hand several anonymous communications, in particular, one under date of January 4, entitled "Bolshevism," and signed by "A seeker." As we make a rule of printing no unsigned communications we are withholding this and others like it from publication. Their authors may obtain them by calling at the CRIMSON office.

To the Editor of the CRIMSON:

Very annoying as well as amusing is your attitude toward Ireland. All the absurd bigotry of the "Transcript" has prevaded your editorials, and, like the snobbish offspring of a similarly snobbish parent you now patronize Ireland in her new freedom. "Through Tara's Hall", your most recent plaint, is particularly snotty.

De Valera, whom you have grossly caricatured as "first and foremost an agitator who lives on the troubles of others" is an idealist, but his sincerity and honor are surely undeniable.

More genuine sympathy and tolerance has been shown toward Ireland by the English journals than by the newspapers of "disinterested America".


England has found the way to Ireland's heart. E. L. DONAHUE '22 January 9, 1922.
