

Failed Because Increased Scoring Power More Than Offset by Reduced Defensive Strength--Use Former Line-Up

HARVARD  CLARK McLeish, r.f.  l.g., Lindley Gordon, l.f.  r.g., Winn Fitts, c.  c., Smith Black, r.g.  l.f., Egan Rudofsky, l.g.  r.f., Fowler

This evening at 8 o'clock at the Hemenway Gymnasium, the basketball team will meet Clark University.

Coach Wachter has definitely decided to abandon the shift in the line-up, tried for the first time against the yearlings last week, and as a result the five will start tonight as in the original contests of the year, with McLeish and Gordon at forward, Fitts at center, and Black and Rudofsky at guard. Given the acid test by the struggle with Worcester Tech Saturday night, when the new combination which sent Gordon to a guard berth and put in Pallo at forward, was tried out for the first half while the present line-up was used in the second, it was found that the increased scoring strength did not offset the great weakening of the defensive power, for the Engineer quintet scored almost at will during the opening period.

Judging on the basis of comparative scores, an extremely close contest is to be expected this evening. On December 13 Northeastern was defeated by the Crimson 41-32, while just before the vacation the Clark five also downed the Boston team 31-11. Clark was defeated in their only other game so far this season by Wesleyan. Last fall Coach Wachter opened the University season with the Worcester outfit, the red-jerseyed players just managing to nose out their opponents 26-24. This winter four of the Clark quintet returned and the team will undoubtedly be much stronger than was the case last year. Smith at center is the star of the invading five, his floorwork and accurate basket shooting having been a feature of the Northeastern game.
