

Men Are to Report at Locker Building with Equipment at 3--Meeting for Second Assistant and 1925 Manager Candidates at H. A. A. at 1.05

Candidates for the University and Freshman soccer teams will be called out this afternoon to a meeting in the Locker Building at 3 o'clock. All men are to bring equipment with them and to be ready for practice today. For the first few afternoons the men will be put through conditioning work in preparation for a hard schedule.

The opening game will be played on October 15 with Amherst. Trips will be made to Princeton and Ithaca; and the season will close with a game against Haverford, which usually turns out the best team among Eastern colleges. In all, the University team will have a schedule of six games.

Many Positions Open on Team

New men will have a fair chance of making a position on the team this year, for six positions are left vacant from last fall. Although the eleven will have so many new men, prospects are good, for last year's substitutes and Freshmen were above the average. In addition several new players of previous experience are expected to report.

Candidates for the position of second assistant manager from the Sophomore Class and for manager and assistant manager of the 1925 team from the Freshman Class, will report today at 1.05 at the H. A. A.
