A few days ago we ran a short notice to the effect that the Crimson urges all members of the University to make use of the communication column. We are repeating now in a more prominent position the invitation.
We endeavor in our news columns so completely to "cover" the college and University that no interest or activity will be neglected. We say "endeavor", It is obvious that we do not succeed; space and equipment still prevent us from accomplishing this aim completely. At present it is inevitable that organizations which do not hold the general interest must occasionally be neglected and conditions in the University which should be given prominence are not brought before our readers.
To remedy this the communication column has always offered an opportunity to students to bring whatever matters they wish before the entire college. For new students particularly there may be occasions when they wish to attract attention to, let us say, the formation of a new club. In such cases the communication column is at their disposal.
Furthermore in the absence of any discussion groups we believe that much can be done to promote interest in topics of local or national interest by the publication of letters from students. Not only are such letters a means of self expression, and so of pleasure to the writer, but they are also an index of Harvard opinion more sensitive than can be the attempt to represent a consistent and more or less non-existent student opinion as we are obliged to do in the editorial columns.
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Divinity Club Meeting at 8