

Addressed by Captain McCagg and H. B. Cabot '17--Tentative First Eight Goes Out on River--Freshman Squad Reaches Number of 135

One hundred and seventeen men reported to Captain L. B. McCagg Jr. '22 and Coach William Haines for University crew practice yesterday at four o'clock in the Newell Boathouse.

The candidates were addressed by Captain McCagg and by H. B. Cabot '17. The former emphasized the importance of discipline in the fall work and the necessity of keeping up practice later than usual this year. Mr. Cabot explained the attitude of the Rowing Committee toward the work of the coming year.

After the candidates had enrolled a tentative first eight went out on the river and was given a short workout. On the crew as it was seated yesterday were three of the men who rowed on the University eight at New London--Captain L. B. McCagg '22, G. M. Appleton '22, and H. S. Morgan '23. Of the other men on last year's crew Sherman Damon '21, M. E. Olmsted '21 and E. S. Peirson '21, have been graduated from College; R. K. Kane '22 and A. H. Ladd Jr. '23 are out for football, and Lawrence Terry, E.S. '22, is at present unable to row. To take the places of the men who have been lost are three members of the Second University eight, two members of the Combination crew, and one Freshman oarsman. The seating of the eight was as follows: stroke, E. S. Matthews '23; 7, G. M. Appleton '22; 6, H. S. Morgan '23; 5, L. B. McCagg '22; 4, J. D. Jameson '24; 3, S. A. Duncan '22; 2, R. C. Stoery '24; bow, J. A. Nickerson '22; cox., S. C. Badger '23.

Two more University crews have been formed and will go onto the river this afternoon. Men who are not on any of the three crews will report to Coach Brown at 4 o'clock.

Over twenty more men reported to Dr. R. H. Howe Jr. '01 for Freshman crew work yesterday, bringing the total number of Freshman who have reported to date up to one hundred and thirty-five at least. The coaches took three crews, composed of the experienced oarsmen, out on the river. The other men were put on the machines in the Weld Boat-house. Today the same men will be sent out on the river with frequent substitutions and changes probable
