

Additional Recruits Yesterday Bring Number to 136--Light Practice in Fundamentals for First Few Days--Candidates for End Total 34

Coach Campbell gave his 1925 squad a short but stiff workout yesterday afternoon on Soldiers Field in the third day of Freshman football practice. Eight more men reported, swelling the total of players to 136 and making the squad unquestionably the largest that has ever come out for Freshman gridiron work.

In the work yesterday Coach Campbell and his assistants continued to drill their material in the fundamentals which have been in order since the first workout. Coaching in starting, changing, and falling on the ball for the linesmen and the same for the backs with the addition of punting and drop-kicking work will continue several days longer. Afterwards more advanced work will start.

A classification of the 1925 squad according to positions shows that the ends lead in the number of candidates out with 34 men. There are 32 tackles, 14 guards, and six centers. The backfield material numbers 50, 20 of whom are out for quarterback.

Coach Campbell is still desirous of obtaining more men to assist in coaching the Freshman squad. Only two came out in response to his appeal for assistance. These were J. W. Watson '22 and E. D. Hamilton '23, both former second team players. Any men who have had experience on either the University or Second University squads are requested to report today if they are interested. Coach Campbell does not intend, if he is able to build up a large enough coaching staff to drop any of the 1925 men now out for football. He will form a squad of first-string players later in the season, and will divide the remaining men up into several teams, which will take part-in daily scrimmages and have their own coaches. Opportunity will be given each candidate to be transferred back to the first squad if he convinces the coaches of his capability.

The Freshman coaching staff this year will try to bring the yearling players into closer liaison with the University squad than has been attempted in former seasons. Coach Campbell and his staff have all had experience in aiding Coach Fisher with the University players and will use the latter's system with the first year men. This will mean an early and easy initiation of the former yearling players when they join the University squad. To further the present plan of developing the 1925 football men along the lines followed by the University squad Coach Fisher will probably send over for a few afternoons later in the season members of his own staff to aid Coach Campbell
