

We heard great reports of the Glee Club this summer. Those who were abroad had the opportunity of witnessing their triumph in Paris; those who remained on this side of the Atlantic read constantly of the Club's achievements. The University may well be proud of its singers.

Now that they are back grey felt hats and all, what next? Would it be too much to suggest that they include a few concerts in Cambridge on their season's program? Last year students had an opportunity to hear them sing once in the Union. It they were prompt enough in securing tickets they could have attended the concert in Symphony Hall.

It is true that the Glee Club has all the concerts that it can give and still maintain its high standard of performance. It is equally true that at present undergraduate support is not generally accorded the organization. But it never will be if the Club does not seem to desire that support. Two concerts in Cambridge, for students only, would do much to destroy any such impression; it hardly seems as if that were too great an addition to their already extensive program for the year. Surely the Glee Club need not apply to its own case: "A prophet is not without honor save in his own country."
