The Class of 1925 will be the first to be called out for the fall rowing season, when Dr. R. H. Howe Jr. '01, Coach Herbert Haines, and Captain L. B. McCagg '22 of the University crew will address a meeting at 5.30 o'clock this afternoon in the Smith Halls Common Room. Enrollment of the Freshmen will take place at that time, and the speakers will explain the definite plans for fall rowing. Practice for the Freshmen will begin tomorrow afternoon. Times for rowing will be announced at this afternoon's meeting.
University crew practice will also begin tomorrow when the squad reports at 4 o'clock at the Newell Boathouse. The coaches plan to continue practice this autumn as long as weather conditions permit so that candidates for the crews next year may receive as much coaching and practice as possible.
In addition to the men who were announced in the Crimson yesterday as members of the Rowing Committee for 1921-22, it has been announced that Major Fred W. Moore '93 is to be a member ex-officio.
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