

Absence of Several Professors on Leave Necessitates Omission of Some Courses--Others to be Given by New Men

With a large-number of the Faculty away this year on leave of absence, with others in France and in the West as Exchange Professors, and with others withdrawn from the staff by reason of retirement and resignation, a great many courses in the College will be conducted this year by new professors.

Dr. A. E. Phoutrides will take the place of Dr. W. C. Greene '11 in conducting several course in Latin and Greek Composition while Dr. Greene in addition to his regular work will assist Professor E. K. Rand in a course on "Virgil". The popular course on "Livy, Plautus, and Terence; Horace and other Latin Poets", will be conducted this year by a new staff composed of Professor Rand, Dr. Greene, Dr. Phoutrides, and Assistant Professor R. K. Hack. Dr. Phoutrides, who is a new man in the Department, will also have charge of the course on the "History of Classical Greek Literature".

Changes in English Courses

There will be numerous changes in the courses offered by the English Department. Professor C. N. Greenough '98 will not give any courses this year. His place as head of English A will be taken by assistant Professor J. T. Murray '99, while his other courses will be omitted. On the other hand Professor Bliss Perry has returned from a year engaged in literary work and will again conduct his courses on the "History of English Literature from the time of Elizabeth to the present," on "Tennyson", on "Carlyle", on "Emerson", and on the "English Critical Essay". Mr. F. W. C. Hersey '99 will have charge of English D this year in place of Assistant Professor K. G. T. Webster '93, while Professor Webster will be in charge of English 6, the course which in former years has been conducted by Mr. A. S. Pier '95. Professor J. L. Lowes, A. M. '03, will not give any part of the course on "Chaucer" this year; his place will be taken by Professor G. L. Kittredge '82. Dr. G. H. Maynadier '89 will offer a new course on the "English Short Story". Professor Murray will conduct the course on the Drama from 1590 to 1642 in place of Professor G. P. Baker '87.

Dr. Arthur Burkhard, Ph. D. '17, is taking charge of one of the sections of German 1a, is an elementary course, in place of Assistant Professor F. W. C. Lieder Ph.D. '07. Dr. F. C. Cawley '10 will take the place of Dr. R. W. Peltengill A. M. '09 in conducting German 1b. Professor W. G. Howard '91 will be away in the second half year as Exchange Professor in the West. As a result Dr. Taylor Stark will give the course on "German Literature in the second half of the Nineteenth Century". Professor Howard's courses on the Dramatic Works of Hebbel and his Seminary courses on Lessing's "Laokoon" will be omitted. He will only have charge of the course on Schiller during the first half year.


Professor J. D. M. Ford '94 will be away on leave of absence this year and Professor E. S. Sheldon '72 has retired. Both men are of the French Department. Professor Sheldon in retiring gives up his courses on "Old French Literature", on the "History of French Literature prior to the Fourteenth Century", and on "French Literature in the fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries." Professor Ford is scheduled to give the second of these courses, but will himself be absent at least for the second half year, and will be unable to give his course on the "Novel and Tale in Italy and Spain from the beginning of the Medieval Period to the Eighteenth Century" or his Spanish courses.

Prof. Pope Returns From Europe

Professor Arthur Pope '01, who spent last year in Europe as the holder of the Sachs Travelling Fellowship, has returned to the University. He will conduct Fine Arts 1a--"Principles of Drawing and Painting and the Theory of Design", Fine Arts 1a--"Freehand Drawing", Fine Arts 2b--"Advanced Freehand Drawing", and two courses on the "Theory of Design". Professor A. K. Porter, formerly of the Fine Arts department at Yale, will take up his duties at the University this year and will offer two courses, one on "Medieval Sculpture", the other on Romanesque Architecture. Mr. E. W. Forbes '95, who spent last year in the West as Exchange Professor will again give his course on "Methods and Processes of Italian Painting".

In the Department of Music Professor E. B. Hill '94 will be absent for the year. His absence will cause a number of changes in the curriculum. Professor W. R. Spalding, a newcomer in the Department, will give Professor Hill's courses on the "History of Music from Bach to the Present day" and on "Appreciation of Music". Professor Spalding will also take two courses formerly given by Professor W. C. Heilman '00--"Harmony" and "Canon and Fugue". While Professor Hill is away Mr. Foote will conduct the courses on "DIndy, Faure, and Debussy", and "Instrumentation". Mr. Stuart Mason will give the course on Counterpoint in place of Professor A. T. Davidson '06.

In the Mathematical Department there have been numerous changes and exchanges of courses among members of the department, but no new professors will lecture.

Professor E. H. Hall, one of the senior members of the Physics Department, has retired and has left a big gap in the teaching staff. To take his place Dr. E. R. Schaeffer '13 will conduct the course in "Elementary Physics"; Professor P. W. Bridgman '04 will conduct the course on "Advanced Thermodynamics"; Dr. E. C. Kemble '14 will conduct the course on the "Kinetic Theory of Gases", while Professor H. M. Davis '03 will conduct another one of Professor Hall's old courses on "Advanced Thermodynamics". Dr. Kemble will give the course on "Heat and Thermal Measurement" in place of Professor Davis.

Professor L. J. Henderson '98, the biological chemist who served last year as exchange professor to France, has returned and will resume his old courses. These include "History of the Physical and Biological Sciences", "General Biological Chemistry", and "Experimental Biological Chemistry." Mr. B. F. Dodge is giving the course on Chemical Engineering.

Professor Parker to Give His Courses

Professor G. H. Parker '87 is back from the West and will give his courses on "Elementary Zoology", "Structure and Functions of Sense Organs", and "Structure and Functions of the Central Nervous Organs". In retiring from the University Professor E. L. Mark will give up his courses on the "Embryology of Vertebrates" and Cytology". Mr. M. C. Whipple will conduct the course on "Elementary Bacteriology" this year in place of Mr. G. M. Fair '16.

Dr. W. H. Weston Jr., Ph.D. '14, who has recently been connected with the "Bureau of Plant Industry" at Washington, will serve at the University this year as assistant professor of Botany. He will offer a course on "Introduction to Cryptogamic Botany", a course on "Plant Pathology", and two courses on general morphology of lower forms of plant life.
