A meeting place for those students of the University interested in the discussion of political, economic and social questions is now offered by the Student Liberal Club, which has opened a clubhouse at 66 Winthrop street, where meals will be served.
One of the features of the club will be occasional informal discussions at meal times led by members. It is expected that the club table will furnish an opportunity for the establishment of a closer relationship between Faculty and students, since numerous Faculty members have already indicated their intention of joining the Liberal Club members at meals. The club also plans to entertain as guests men prominent in public life and in politics, literature and art.
One of the principal objects of the club this year will be to introduce in the University-the English system of debating. This differs from the American system in that there are no formal teams, the object of this form of debating being mainly to stimulate public speaking and the expression of opinion.
Mr. Roland Bryce, who is now on a visit to the United States with his uncle, Lord Bryce, will explain the English debating system to the members of the Liberal club and any other interested students, at the clubhouse Wednesday at 7.30 o'clock.
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Divinity Club Meeting at 8