

11,758 Bills to Be Sent at That Time-23,000 Have Subscribed to Date-Officers in Wadsworth House

Annual payments of subscriptions to the Endowment Fund will fall due on November 1. Bills going out to subscribers at that time number 11,753.

Up to September 1 the fund total was $13,797,243.11. Unrestricted subscriptions to that date total $12,121,253.70, and restricted subscriptions $1,670,196.-41. Very little was done during the summer months in the way of collecting, and the above amounts show very little increase over what had been received last spring.

Unrestricted subscriptions already paid in amount to $7,418,349.36, leaving $4,578,420.41 still due to be collected. Of the restricted subscriptions, $1,246,524.29 have already been paid in, and there remains $410,574.00 still to be collected.

Somewhat over 23,000 persons have subscribed to the fund to date. Of these approximately 1800 are undergraduates, who have subscribed just under $70,000.

The offices of the Endowment Fund in Wadsworth House have been remodelled considerably. Room three has been fitted up so as to give a space in the front part to use as a reception room for Alumni. Undergraduate publications will be kept there and information concerning Alumni activities will be at hand. The rear part of the room forms an office for the general secretary of the Endowment Fund, and the files, records, and office machinery have been moved to room four.
