From Washington comes the news that General Leonard Wood has accepted the military post of Governor-General of the Philippines, at the same time relinquishing for at least a year his opportunity of serving as executive head of the University of Pennsylvania. To those who know him, this action on the General's part will cause no surprise. It would be much more pleasant for him to remain in this country directing the financial affairs of a university, but he is needed out in the Pacific, and he will go.
In one way, however, his decision is disappointing, in that it will postpone an interesting experiment in college man agement. Heretofore, the financial and educational departments of a university have always been more or less closely affiliated under the responsibility of one man-in most cases, the President. But with the growth of universities and the expansion of their financial interests, his combined position of head master and business manager has become too exacting. The University of Pennsylvania feeling that the task was too great to be administered with thorough efficiency by a single person, no matter how great his capabilities, decided to separate entirely the financial and educational branches.
It was as business director that Leonard Wood was to have held office. But now of course, the old method must continue until his return. Will the other universities wait to profit by the success or failure of the new experiment or will one of them decide to undertake of venture itself?
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