The 1921-22 season of the Union will begin Monday with the opening of the restaurant at 1 o'clock. The Union will be open to all members of the University until Wednesday, October 12, after which it will be closed to all but members.
The Union this year, with F. B. Foster '17 as graduate manager will be operated along the same lines as last season. The membership fee for new members will be $10.00, and $7.50 for those who have previously belonged. All who wish to become members should register at the graduate manager's office.
The Union cigar stand this year has been put in charge of Adolphus Terry, former clerk in the college office, who has left the staff at University Hall.
The Governing Board for the coming year will consist of George Wigglesworth '74, president; R. K. Kane '22, undergraduate vice-president; E. A. Whitney '17, D. M. Little Jr. '18, Matthew Luce '00, J. C. Barclay '19, J. U. Net '20, last season's graduate manager, and Mr. Foster. This body will act in conjunction with the newly elected undergraduate committee, which consists of Melville P. Baker '22, Richard Chute '22, L. B. McCagg Jr. '22, Vinton Chapin '23, and Corliss Lamont '24. Through the undergraduate committee any suggestions of Union members will be considered by the management.
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Divinity Club Meeting at 8