

Captain Philo Alcott Jr. to Take Charge of Motor Instruction of Field Artillerymen

Captain Philo, Alcott Jr., F. A., U. S. A. reported yesterday to Major Goetz for duty with the University Military Science Department. Captain Alcott will relieve Captain R. B. Warren, who is now attached to the Department as instructor in motor mechanics. Captain Warren has been assigned to temporary detached service, and, although he will remain with the University Unit, will take several courses of research at the Massachusetts institute of Technology.

Captain Alcott was born in Virginia in 1884. His first military service was with the Louisiana National Guard on the Mexican Border in 1916. At the outbreak of the war he entered the first Officers Training Camp, from which he was commissioned in 1917. He was assigned to the 335th Field Artillery and went over seas. In January 1919 he was transferred to the 20th Field Artillery, with which he served as adjutant. Since his return from abroad, he has been specializing in motors, first at the Army Motor School at Camp Holalaird and later at the factories of The Four Wheel Drive Motor Company.
