

Track Coach to Succeed A. E. Kirk '20 as Graduate Treasurer--New Duties Will Not Interfere With Work With Crimson Runners

W. J. Bingham '16, coach of the University track team last spring, was appointed, during the summer, Assistant Graduate Treasurer of the Athletic Association to succeed A. E. Korl '20 who held the position last year. In addition to serving as Assistant Graduate Treasurer Mr. Bingham will continue to coach the track squad, his duties at the B. A. A. being chiefly to supervise the work of the managers of the various sports.

When in college, Mr. Bingham captained the University track team in his Senior year. His event was the half mile in which he was one of the most brilliant and consistent runners the Crimson has ever had. In 1916 he was a member of the championship quartet which captured the intercollegiate relay at the Pennsylvania Carnival.

When he took charge of the University runners last year, prospects were very poor but by the end of the year Coach Bingham had rounded out a team that took the measure of M. I. T. and Princeton and came within a point of the intercollegiate championship. His runners combined with the Yale track stars decisively defeated the Oxford-Cambridge team on July 23.
