

Class of 1925 to Gather Thursday at 8 o'clock--Members of Faculty to Speak--Professor Edgell to Address Faculty to Speak--Professor Edgell to Address Foreign Students Monday

The Phillips Brooks House Association's annual reception to Freshmen will be held next Thursday evening, at eight o'clock. At this gathering of all first year students, speeches by members of the Faculty and by undergraduates will as usual hold the chief place on the program. Light refreshments will be served and a quartet of the Glee Club will furnish music.

This most important of the opening events on the Brooks House calender will be preceded on Monday evening at seven o'clock by a meeting open to all foreign students. The purpose will be to give them any information they may desire. Professor C. H. Edgell '09, Secretary of the Committee on the Choice of Electives, will address the meeting on the general subject of the choice of courses.

General activities of the Association commenced on September 12 when the Information Bureau was opened. This organization, in charge of a committee of undergraduates, will continue to function until September 27, aiding new students in any way possible, and particularly in the matter of obtaining rooms for those who are without quarters in Cambridge.

Beginning on Monday at nine o'clock, students will be able to procure books from the Loan Library of the Association. This year there are 3000 text books available, including law books which may be taken out beginning tomorrow at nine o'clock. This year it has been necessary to limit the number of books which a Law School student may take out to three.
