RED TOP, June 7, 1921.--In a five-mile workout this morning and a two-mile race this afternoon, the two University crews showed better balance and proportion than heretofore. Coach Haines has been particularly stressing these factors with increasing success during the past few days.
Advisory Coach Herrick was at Red Top today for the first time and went out with the crews for the race this afternoon. The two-mile mark opposite the Navy Yard was the starting point and University A won in the last half-mile after the seconds had held a quarter length lead for the beginning of the race. The first crew has been held to a comparatively low strike in its brushes against the second and has shown up well against the higher beat of B. With a half-mile to go this afternoon and the first crew trailing, Pierson called for ten, and the men responded with an effort which sent them up even to the second, and from there on Appleton led the way to a half-length lead over the finish line.
This afternoon the yearlings tried out a new shell, the English Sims which the first University eight rowed against Yale last year. No decision has bee made as to whether it will be the final choice.
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