The University School of Landscape Architecture is now exhibiting in Robinson Hall the drawings submitted for two competitions held in Chicago from March 8 to April 5 under the auspices of the Woman's National Farm and Garden Association. The exhibition, which begins today, will be open to the public until Wednesday, June 15.
The first competition was won by Mr. Hale Walker, who graduated from the School last year with the degree of Master of Landscape Architecture. G. H. Lee and G. F. Ingalls, both third year students in the School, also submitted drawings. The problem of the first competition was the treatment of a formal garden for an invalid.
The prizes were awarded as follows: First prize of $100.00, Mr. Hale Walker M.L.A. '20, University School of Landscape Architecture; second prize of $50.00, Miss Henrietta Marquis Pope, of Boston; third prize of $25.00, Miss Frances Nearing, of Boston; first mention of $15.00, Miss Elizabeth L. Strong, of Leominster; honorable mention of $10.00, Miss Elizabeth Pattee, of Boston.
The problem of the second competition was a suitable treatment for an inexpensive back-yard garden, 40 feet wide by 75 feet deep. The drawings required were a plan for the garden and a planting design.
In another competition, the University School of Landscape Architecture was honored, when the prizes offered in the Home Beautiful Competition held in Boston from April 16-30 all went to students or graduates of the School, M. H. Dill 1S.L.A., being the winner.
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