
Sophomore Finance Statement Given

The statement of the finances of the Class of 1923, as given out by Sheridan Logan, class treasurer, is as follows: Receipts Balance on hand Dec. 1, 1920,  $2770.89 1923 Instrumental Clubs,  122.95 Jubilee Committee of 1923,  206.90 Freshman Red-Book,  1159.30 Interest on bank deposits,  27.56 Total,  $4287.60 Expenditures First Smoker, Dec. 14, 1920,  $311.85 Second Smoker, May 25, 1921,  274.10 Ballots for Class Elections,  7.00 Student Council,  30.00 Flowers for funeral of member of class,  12.00 Decorations for 1923 Jubilee,  26.00 Sophomore Scholarship to member of Freshman class,  400.00 To start bank account of first baby of class,  50.00 Total expenditures,  $1110.95 Balance in bank,  3176.65   $4287.60
