

With parti-colored hatbands and smocks--symbols of the little world they enjoyed for a brief four years the graduates are with us again. The Crimson welcomes them and rejoices that there are many here.

There is no need to urge that undergraduates take pains to entertain their predecessors today--class reunions and the festivities in the Yard and the Stadium will keep graduates more than occupied. But there is more to commencement week than Japanese lanterns and resurrected hat bands: graduates come back for more than that.

So much emphasis has been placed on Class Day that it is sometimes forgotten that this is commencement week. As one means of reminding graduates and undergraduates of the significance of Thursday, it has been decided to revive the old custom of having the three lower classes assemble in the Yard on that day to cheer the procession of the classes. If the revival is to be successful there must be more than a handful of undergraduates there to cheer. It is a fitting time for the college to welcome the graduates; those who take part in the welcome will perhaps for the first time come to the realization that Harvard stands for more than a festive Class Day can represent.
